Science communication & Outreach
I am an avid science communicator in both English and French cumulating experiences for > 10 years. I wrote > 20 pieces for blogs and public media, did numerous public talks, produced films with > 2K views, visited > 20 schools and colleges to lead science communication activities in the South and the North of Canada, and contributed to Land Camps using hands-on, land-based approaches to foster cross-cultural knowledge exchange and youth's interest for the natural sciences. Through these various activities, I aim to increase public awareness about different topics related to environmental change, transdisciplinary research, and sustainability actions. I also believe that my societal engagement as an early career woman scientist can contribute to showing different models of scientists to youth, including girls, and spark their interest for science careers. I often engage on topics related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in science, including in schools. I strongly believe in the role of science communication and outreach in increasing public awareness and understanding of critical issues shaping today's world, such as climate change, and in encouraging more diversity in tomorrow's science.
Youth Workshops
Photo credits: Équiterre, Camp de l'Île & Collège Brébeuf
Land Camps
Photo credits: Navalik Helen Tologanak and Imalirijiit Science and Culture Land Camp
Selected Blog and Press Articles
Starting in 2023, I co-hosted the science communication radio show 'Futur Simple' at CKRL (French). I am now sporadically contributing as a scientific expert-reporter.
The Southern Ocean Sea-Ice Ecosystem Is Important to Humans (2024) Article written with four collaborators for the journal Frontiers for Young Minds, introducing youth to the ecosystem services provided by the Southern Ocean.
Trandisciplinary marine sciences: beneath the tip of the iceberg (2022) MEOPAR Blog, English
From zooplankton to coastal communities: Understanding the changes affecting the Arctic Ocean from local perspectives (2019) McGill Reporter, Bilingual
Bringing the Arctic in classrooms (2017) Equiterre Blog, Bilingual (written as part of my Laure Waridel Bursary)
News from Scandinavia (2017) Equiterre Blog, Bilingual (written as part of my Laure Waridel Bursary)
Northern Flora and Fauna (2016) BESIDE, Bilingual
Une épave indomptable (2016) Nouveau Projet, French
Percer les mystères d'un écosystème marin arctique en transformation (2015) Blog of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS), French
Sauvons la planète, mais maintenant (2015) published in La Presse and Le Devoir, French
Blog: Écho vert le monde (2011-2015) Traveling and environmental science blog that I hosted and where I wrote about my expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctica, and my travels across the world. French
My beginnings as a science journalist! (2009-2011) I started my science communication journey during my B.Sc., as a science journalist in the university newspaper Impact Campus. Some archived articles can be found here. French