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in the media





Video / TV Show

Media coverage

Blog article



Ambassador for Women and Girls in Science, Montreal Science Center (bilingual)

I am extremely honoured to have been named among the four women chosen as ambassadors for a special exhibit entitled Mini Mondo at the Montreal Science Center.


In line with my enthusiasm for science communication and outreach, I have interacted with various media platforms that covered my work throughout the years. My work has been featured in > 20 media outlets, including Canadian Geographic, Nature Podcasts, and Québec Science. Below is a non-exhaustive list of different media features and engagement awards related to my work  (click on the icon for the weblinks).




Featured profile (English) on Let's Talk Science

The program Let's Talk Science created a repository of scientists' profiles to encourage youth from diverse backgrounds into science, as part of which they featured my research and background.​


Article (French) about my postdoctoral research by Université Laval

The piece entitled'Vers une approche transdisciplinaire à la recherche et à la gestion des ressources marines nordiques' was produced to featured my research and profile, awarded a L'Oréal-UNESCO Excellence Postdoctoral fellowship for Women in Science​.​








Podcast at G3E (French)

G3E, an organization focused on citizen science and education about water protection, produced a podcast interviewing me about my background and current research.

Interview in Coronapod, a Nature podcast (English)

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time, shaking the foundations of our society and ways of life, including how we do science. In this episode of Coronapod, a Nature Podcast, I was interviewed to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on Arctic research.

Named amongst McGill's ground breakers and difference makers (English)

I was featured in "A look back at 2019: Who were McGill’s ground breakers and difference makers?" by the McGill Reporter.

Portait in the podcast 20% on Women in Science (French)

I was interviewed as part of the podcast 20% featuring portraits of different women in science. Named 20% because women represent only 20% of the workforce in STEM, this podcast is a coproduction of the magazine Québec Science, the Acfas, in collaboration with the UNESCO Canadian Commission, L'Oréal Canada and the web radio

Portrait in Québec Science following the podcast 20% (French)

Following the 20% podcast, Québec Science wrote an article on my work and background.

Podcast "Je vote pour la Science" (French)

I participated in the radio show "Je vote pour la Science" of the Agence Science-Presse to talk about my master's and doctoral work on the changing Arctic. The episode was entitled "De retour de l'Arctique".

Emerging Leader Award, Canada's Clean 50 (English)

Canada’s Clean50 awards are announced annually by Unilever, Delta Management Group and the Clean50 organization to recognize 50 individuals or small teams, from 16 different categories, who have advanced sustainability over the past two years (2017-2018).
I was extremely honoured to receive a 2018 Clean50 Emerging Leader award in recognition of my research in the Canadian Arctic, particularly my interdisciplinary, participatory approach to studying marine ecosystems and ecosystem services. The award also highlights my efforts to share my scientific research with the public and youth in southern and northern Canada.

Clean50 EMERGING LEADER 2018.jpg

Newspaper article featuring my science outreach efforts (French)

The Montreal-based newspaper Metro featured a youth workshop that I organized in a summer camp of Montreal (Le Camp de l'Île), in an article entitled " Des enfants sensibilisés à la nature marine".

Blog article on my Laure Waridel Award (bilingual)

Équiterre presented my research and background in a blog article written to announce that I was recipient of the Laure Waridel bursary.


Cartoon on my research (French)

I co-wrote, with the artist Richard Vallerand, a cartoon on my Ph.D. research entitled "Pour la suite du Nord" for the Curium magazine, a science magazine for youth.

Portrait on my work as part of a Women in Science feature (in French)

The magazine Spectre made a few portraits of women in science inspiring to STEM teaching. They interviewed me as part of this feature, producing the article entitled "Portrait de femmes inspirantes pour l'enseignement des sciences - Marianne Falardeau: biologiste polaire préoccupée par les changements climatiques".

Capture d’écran 2016-10-14 à 15.53.52.png

Named amongst the Top 30 leaders in sustainability under 30 of Canada #30Under30 (English)


I had the immense honour to be named amongst the top 30 leaders in sustainability under 30 of Canada of the Magazine Corporate Knights in partnership with IMPACT! Youth Program for Sustainability Leadership, in recognition of my research and science outreach efforts.

Radio-Canada and Le Soleil Laureate (French)
Following my nomination in the Top #30Under30, I was selected as a Laureate by Radio-Canada and Le Soleil. Radio-Canada made a video and a radio interview about my Ph.D. research. Le Soleil newspaper made an article entitled "Marianne Falardeau-Côté, engagée pour le développement durable".


Media coverage

of my Top #30Under30 nomination (French)

The media group Québec-Hebdo also featured my nomination in the Top #30Under30 in an article published in few of their regional newspapers, such as L'Appel.

Article in Canadian Geographic (English)

Canadian Geographic made an extensive article, entitled "Exploring the new Canadian High Arctic Research Station", on the work being done at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, in which my research was included. The article is not open-access.

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Capture d’écran 2016-06-10 à 17.10.52.png

Article on my research in Nunatsiaq News

Nunatsiaq News, a key newspaper in Nunavut and Nunavik, covered my research in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, in an article entitled "Researcher studying unique food web in western Nunavut waters".

Video in the interactive map of the scientific icebreaker CCGS Amundsen (bilingual)

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) developed an interactive map of the scientific icebreaker CCGS Amundsen in which they featured my research through a video filmed onboard the scientific icebreaker, entitled "Collecting fish samples with the beam trawl".



Newspaper article featuring my research (French)

The newspaper La Presse featured our paper published in Polar Biology on the expansion of Pacific sand lance in the Canadian Arctic in an article entitled "La morue polaire en danger". The newspaper of Université Laval, Le Fil des Évènements, also featured our research in an article named "Le calme avant la tempête".


Participation in a youth TV show (English)

I participated in the TV show "Finding Stuff Out - Extreme Cold", a youth TV show on TVO Kids, that was about Arctic research.

Virtual youth presentation, Exploring by the seat of your pants (French)

Exploring by the seat of your pants is a program that brings science, adventure, and conservation into classrooms through virtual guest talks and field trips. They invited me to give a presentation about my research. This video will give you a hint into what my scicomm and outreach activities in schools look like!

Let's talk!

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